Risk patients from the perspective of genetics – Interview with Dr. Berit Hippe

Risk patients from the perspective of genetics – Interview with Dr. Berit Hippe

The power of our genes: How we can influence our health risk? 

Genetic predispositions can increase the risk of certain diseases, but does that mean we are helpless against them? Not necessarily! In a compelling conversation with Alexander Glogg of QS24, Dr. Berit Hippe, an expert in genetics and epigenetics, reveals the impact of certain genetic mutations on our health and how we can take active action.

Our genes don’t have to determine our fate!

Environmental influences such as sport, stress, and nutrition play a decisive role and can strengthen or weaken certain genetic predispositions through epigenetic mechanisms. The key lies in the right knowledge and conscious decision-making. With an understanding of our genetic starting point, we can take control of our genes and take specific action to live healthier lives.

Learn more about the fascinating connection between genetics and health in this interview with Dr. Berit Hippe. It’s time to actively transform our genetic risks into genetic potential!

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Alexander Glogg on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

Gene regulation for better sleep – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Gene regulation for better sleep – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Eat, sleep, eat, repeat? 

Our sleep influences our eating behavior, at the same time our diet plays a role in whether we get good, restful sleep. How can we avoid getting trapped in a vicious circle?

The sleep-wake rhythm is anchored in our genes, but sleep disorders can regulate the functioning of these genes through epigenetic changes. Can we influence these sleep-relevant genes with diet, fasting, and exercise?

How to wake up the right genes so we can sleep better.

Dr. Berit Hippe, managing director of HealthBioCare GmbH, talks to host Corina Klein of QS24.tv about how certain micronutrients affect our sleep behavior.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.
Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

From the food pyramid to personalized nutrition – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

From the food pyramid to personalized nutrition – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Is the food pyramid still up to date?

The food pyramid is considered a measure of a healthy and balanced diet. It has been revised several times over the years according to new findings. Is it time to change the pyramid again, or are we ready to completely rethink the classic nutrition recommendations?

What exactly is a personalized diet? What are the benefits of a diet that is individually adapted to your (epi)genetics and metabolism?

Dr. Berit Hippe, CEO of HealthBioCare GmbH, explains the food pyramid and precision nutrition, two seemingly opposing models, in conversation with QS24.tv host Corina Klein.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

Stress monitoring with epigenetic markers – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Stress monitoring with epigenetic markers – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Epigenetics – an early warning signal for stress

Stress is a natural reaction to various stressors and evolutionarily it helps us adapt to our environment and dangers. Everyone’s stress tolerance level is different and everyone handles stress differently, but chronic stress triggers physical and/or psychological responses in most.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH, explains how epigenetic markers in the blood can be used to detect the hidden signs of stress relatively early on in an interview with QS24.tv host Corina Klein.

Reducing stress in everyday life is not always easy, but it is possible to improve the processing of stress on a cellular basis through nutrition. You will find out which nutrients can specifically intervene in epigenetic regulation and help us process stress, in the interview.

The program was broadcast on 20.01.23 on the health television QS24 and can be viewed online on the YouTube channel of QS24.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

Optimizing epigenetics through secondary plant compounds – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Optimizing epigenetics through secondary plant compounds – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Small molecules with a big effect

Secondary plant compounds are, as the name suggests, produced by plants. They are a normal part of our diet and some secondary plant compounds are believed to have important health-promoting effects. These are among other things blood pressure lowering, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH, explains how secondary plant compounds also influence our epigenetics and how this affects our health in conversation with Corina Klein from QS24.tv

The program was broadcast on 06.01.23 on the health television QS24 and can be viewed online on the YouTube channel of QS24.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website: