The epigenetic regulation of aging – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

The epigenetic regulation of aging – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Get younger with the right nutrition?

Yes, it is possible! Chronological age is just a number that we actually cannot influence, but biological age however is a great indicator of our health.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH, explains how the aging process is epigenetically regulated in an interview with Corina Klein of In this video, you will learn how important a healthy diet and a stress-free lifestyle are and how can we improve our biological age by simply eating healthy.

The program was broadcast on 23.12.22 on the health television QS24 and can be viewed online on the YouTube channel of QS24.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview: 

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

Analysis and Regulation of Epigenetics – Interview with Dr. Hippe on QS24

Analysis and Regulation of Epigenetics – Interview with Dr. Hippe on QS24

Rethink your genes

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH, was invited to give an interview on health television. In this Swiss channel, exciting reports are given on the broad topic of natural medicine and everything revolves around health. The goal is to educate viewers and provide a holistic view of a disease-preventing lifestyle.

Dr. Hippe explains the importance of a healthy diet and a stress-free lifestyle and how these factors indirectly influence our genes. Epigenetics plays a special role in regulating our genes. She explains how to gain a deeper insight into our epigenetics in an interview with the host Corina Klein.

The program was broadcast on QS24 on 25.11.22 and can also be viewed online on the YouTube channel of QS24 from 16 December 22:00.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview: 

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

We are more than our genes

We are more than our genes

Epigenetics simply explained

Genes and genetics are now terms that almost everyone knows. But have you heard about epigenetics so far?

We – humans, but also every being, from the smallest plant to the largest animal, consist of cells. In these cells is the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which is divided into information-rich sections – our genes.

Human DNA by Graphics RF from

If you think about our DNA as a kind of library, your genes are like different books. Have you ever thought about to read every single book of a library? How much energy and time would it cost? Now imagine, a friend of yours helping you to find these books that are interesting for you, so you do not have to search on your own.

This friend is the epigenetics, that determines which books are available in the bookshelf of our library and which are hidden in the archive.

It is similar in the cell – the human being has more than 200 types of cells, and nearly every cell contains the same DNA sequence. But not all the genes are active in each cell, because this would be energy-wasting for the cell.

That is why, only genes that are needed are switched on (the books on the shelves). The rest is targeted silenced through chemical marking (and therefore stand in the archive). Epigenetics acts as a part of a control mechanism that decides, when which gene is switched on and when it is switched off again and is therefore considered the link between environmental influences and genes.


Woman librarian by JustCallMeAcar from


This is how we can react to environmental changes, although the DNA does not change itself. Not only we can adapt to environment easier, but we can also influence how our genes are regulated, this is possible, for example, through nutrition.

Pointing to Monozygotic twins – which are genetically identical and hardly differ from each other when young. Nevertheless, the older they get, the more epigenetic differences they have. This mainly happens through various types of diet and lifestyle.

Genes can influence the intake or the metabolism of food, but we can in turn also have an indirect impact on our genes through epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and micro RNA. Therefore, we also should look at genetics and epigenetics in connection.

DNA methylation can be imagined as a light switch with dimming function. A methyl group binds on the DNA and switches it off. Several studies have shown, there are some interesting locations on the DNA with different numbers of methyl groups through which, depending on how many methyl groups are present, the light, meaning the gene signal, is stronger or weaker. Genes are regulated through these mechanisms, that are associated with aging, inflammation, metabolism and diseases. A higher DNA methylation of the gene LINE-1 indicates a more stable DNA and younger cells and can be achieved through a healthy diet and lifestyle. In addition to LINE-1 as an example for an epigenetic biomarker there are many more.

If our genes tell us to store more fat, that does not matter because we are more than just our genes. Because we can use epigenetic mechanisms to control many of our genes and turn off the “bad genes” while we turn up the “good genes“. Furthermore, epigenetic biomarkers can help us in prevention and early detection of some diseases.

Our Metabolic Health Panel provides you not only with informations about your genetic predisposition to metabolize food but also your epigenetics.

Genes and environment by Graphics RF from

Micro RNAs are a further possibility to indirectly influence our genes. You can find them in every body fluid having diverse regulatory tasks throughout the organism. They are involved in several biological processes and are therefore also suitable as biomarker. Micro RNAs can give more detailed information what is happening in our body. They can be affected through diet and sport, but also chronical and acute stress can have an impact. These changes can be measured in the blood relatively early on, even before (e.g., stress-related) symptoms have developed.

Determine your cellular stress level now using our Stress Monitor Panel! After analyzing your microRNA, you will receive a report of your physiological stress level and the risk of long-term effects. In addition, we support you in reducing stress with personalized recommendations.