General terms and conditions

The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contractual relationships with HealthBioCare GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “HBC”) and the client. Conflicting conditions of the client only become part of the contract if they have been expressly confirmed in writing by HBC. In addition to the General Terms and Conditions, the provisions agreed in the respective individual order apply, in particular the prices and terms of payment.

I. In General

HBC has developed a preventive and advisory concept, based on which patients create a personal preventive plan based on analyzes of their diet and lifestyle, as well as the parameters analyzed in the laboratory, and recommend a product from the dietary supplement/functional food sector that suits their personal needs . The patient’s responses to the questionnaire are compared with reference values ​​in terms of gender, age and ethnicity. These values ​​are set and constantly revised by international medical and scientific organizations such as the German, Austrian or Swiss Society for Nutrition (DGE, OeGE, SGE = DACH). HBC analyzes the answers together with the molecular evaluation of the respective panel. The resulting recommendations are based on the recommendations of the DACH. The aim of HBC is to offer individual health care using scientifically published methods and the test procedures of the respective panel.



You order a test kit from HBC, which contains a questionnaire, bloodspots and a return envelope (“test kit”). Depending on the size of the order, the shipping costs will be charged.


By returning the completed test kit, including the order form, to HBC, you place a binding order to carry out a test as described under point I. above. The contract with HBC only comes into being upon confirmation of receipt of the test material and acceptance of the order by HBC. Depending on the individual agreement between HBC and you regarding price and payment conditions, HBC carries out the tests.


The test material is transmitted without the associated personal data. You are obliged to send the test material to HBC using a code that cannot be assigned to a person. No sensitive or other personal data is therefore transmitted to HBC and therefore not stored. If the test material is not sufficiently filled out, HBC will inform you immediately, stating the reasons why the test cannot be carried out. It is only assumed that human samples are analyzed. HBC analyses do not include a test that checks this. The expenses incurred by HBC will be charged for the services rendered by HBC in connection with the analysis of the test material.

The full test results will be sent by email within 20 working days of receipt of the test material.

All prices include VAT. The address given on the order form is used as the billing address. Working days at HBC are the days from Monday to Friday, which are not designated as public holidays in Austria.

With your signature, you confirm that your results can be used anonymously for scientific study purposes. All data is stored and used in accordance with EU data protection guidelines.


The test results do not constitute a diagnosis of a disease or other disorder, but are only intended to support nutritional advice and to determine the biological age of the patient.

HBC carries out the tests according to the scientific standards described under point I. HBC is not responsible for the adequacy of these standards, the accuracy of the test results, or any other information or advice given as a result of these test results. The HBC test results do not represent a diagnosis of the patient’s state of health. If the doctor draws conclusions about the health of his patient, it is the doctor’s sole responsibility to arrange for further medical diagnostic measures to be taken.


Austrian law applies. The commercial court competent at the registered office of HBC has exclusive jurisdiction for all legal disputes between the parties.