Risk patients from the perspective of genetics – Interview with Dr. Berit Hippe

Risk patients from the perspective of genetics – Interview with Dr. Berit Hippe

The power of our genes: How we can influence our health risk? 

Genetic predispositions can increase the risk of certain diseases, but does that mean we are helpless against them? Not necessarily! In a compelling conversation with Alexander Glogg of QS24, Dr. Berit Hippe, an expert in genetics and epigenetics, reveals the impact of certain genetic mutations on our health and how we can take active action.

Our genes don’t have to determine our fate!

Environmental influences such as sport, stress, and nutrition play a decisive role and can strengthen or weaken certain genetic predispositions through epigenetic mechanisms. The key lies in the right knowledge and conscious decision-making. With an understanding of our genetic starting point, we can take control of our genes and take specific action to live healthier lives.

Learn more about the fascinating connection between genetics and health in this interview with Dr. Berit Hippe. It’s time to actively transform our genetic risks into genetic potential!

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Alexander Glogg on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.

Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

microRNAs – an early warning sign of stress

microRNAs – an early warning sign of stress

Stress is a natural response to various factors, and from an evolutionary perspective, it helps us adapt to the environment and respond to danger. Stress tolerance levels vary from person to person, and each individual develops their own unique coping strategy to stress. It is now globally recognized that stress plays a critical role in overall health and well-being and is an important factor in the development of many acute and chronic diseases. Chronic stress, in particular, can lead to physical and psychological consequences for many people. It is therefore important to recognize signs of stress at an early stage in order to prevent anxiety disorders or burnout, among other things.

Stress by Genko Mono from vecteezy.com
Small signs of stress

Small molecules found in the blood can give us early information about what is happening in our bodies. Such molecules are, for example, epigenetic biomarkers such as microRNAs. They provide information about many biological processes, such as the activity of certain genes. MicroRNAs play an important role in the early detection and treatment of complex diseases, and intensive research is being conducted on them, particularly in the field of cancer and metabolic diseases. However, microRNAs can also reflect psychological and physiological stress levels, and a recent study, therefore, aims to identify stress-relevant microRNA biomarkers. In her new paper, Dr. Krammer explains how epigenetic markers can be used to detect hidden signs of stress.

Stress-related miRNA, Krammer et al. 2023



In the study, 173 participants were interviewed about their stress levels, stress-related diseases, lifestyle, and diet to determine their acute and chronic stress status. Using qPCR analysis, microRNAs were analyzed in dried capillary blood samples. Of these, four microRNAs (miR-10a-5p, miR-15a-5p, let-7a-5p, and let-7g-5p) were identified as potential biomarkers of acute or chronic stress. In addition, associations were found between certain miRNAs and stress-related diseases, as well as dietary and lifestyle factors. The results of this study suggest that microRNAs may serve as biomarkers for stress-related diseases and individual stress status. Analysis of microRNAs can provide valuable information on physiological stress, cell protection, serotonin regulation, immune signaling, and risk of long-term adverse effects. Timely detection of stress through biomarkers in the blood can help detect and counteract health problems and stress-related diseases at an early stage and take preventive measures to maintain overall health.

Stress level by Muhammad Ribkhan from vecteezy.com



Reducing stress in everyday life is not always easy, but improving cellular stress processing through lifestyle and diet is a promising approach. Epigenetically active plant compounds can help regulate the stress response at the cellular level and improve overall well-being. By combining biomarker analyses and personalized recommendations for epigenetically active phytochemicals, people can be given the opportunity to respond early to their individual stress levels. This enables targeted prevention of stress-related diseases and supports a healthy stress-reduced lifestyle.



Our Stress Monitor Panel is based on scientific studies like this one by Dr. Krammer and includes an analysis of six specific miRNAs. It provides a comprehensive assessment of your stress levels and associated health factors. With this information, you can take proactive steps to manage your stress and improve your overall well-being. Additionally, the panel offers personalized recommendations for epigenetically active botanicals that have been shown to help reduce stress. Invest in your health and well-being. Our Stress Monitor Panel provides information on physiological stress, cellular protection, serotonin regulation, immune signaling, and the risk of long-term negative effects. This gives you valuable insight into your stress biology and allows you to take targeted action to reduce stress. Don’t wait for stress to affect your health – act now and put your health first. Discover the benefits of early stress detection today and make conscious choices to prevent stress-related illness. Together, we can achieve a healthier, stress-free lifestyle.

Visit our website or contact us at office@healthbiocare.at for more information about the Stress Monitor Panel and to begin your journey to a healthier, stress-free life. Read Dr. Krammer’s new study here.

Gene regulation for better sleep – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Gene regulation for better sleep – Interview with Dr. Hippe in QS24

Eat, sleep, eat, repeat? 

Our sleep influences our eating behavior, at the same time our diet plays a role in whether we get good, restful sleep. How can we avoid getting trapped in a vicious circle?

The sleep-wake rhythm is anchored in our genes, but sleep disorders can regulate the functioning of these genes through epigenetic changes. Can we influence these sleep-relevant genes with diet, fasting, and exercise?

How to wake up the right genes so we can sleep better.

Dr. Berit Hippe, managing director of HealthBioCare GmbH, talks to host Corina Klein of QS24.tv about how certain micronutrients affect our sleep behavior.

Dr. Berit Hippe, Managing Director of HealthBioCare GmbH in a talk with Corina Klein on Swiss health television QS24. To watch the video with subtitles in English, turn on the cc (closed captions), then click on settings, select subtitles, click on auto-translate, and select English from the list.
Link to the interview:

All interviews of Dr. Hippe at QS24:

Link to QS24 Swiss television website:

HealthBioCare teams up with The Recovery Vienna to help create “The most comprehensive obesity and weight loss treatment program in the world.”

HealthBioCare teams up with The Recovery Vienna to help create “The most comprehensive obesity and weight loss treatment program in the world.”

Together with 20 experts, we create a holistic approach to achieve life-changing weight loss that is specifically tailored to the needs of the body, mind, and soul of the clients. This exclusive and discreet program in “seven-star” surroundings, includes round-the-clock care. The extensive team consists among others of cardiologist, nutritionist, acupuncturist, sleep therapist, dermatologist, orthopedic physician, chef, butlers, and concierges. One of the unique selling propositions (USPs) of the Vienna Recovery program is the genetic and epigenetic base assessment, carried out by Dr. Berit Hippe from HealthBioCare.

Julia Llewellyn Smith from The Times says:

“TVR’s team also takes a blood sample for an epigenetic test — one of TVR’s USPs — the results of which, delivered a fortnight later, can tell you, among other things, how genetically predisposed you are to putting on weight, how hard those genes will make it for you to lose weight (in my case very — boo), how much we might be inclined to eat when stressed (for me, not much — yay!) as well as what types of foods you can eat plentifully (carbs, hallelujah!) and what to avoid (salt — boo again).”

To understand the root cause of the obesity of the clients, it is essential to check not only their medical or psychological problems but also their genetic predisposition and epigenetic traits. Changing your life and achieving long-term results starts with specific “tweaks” to the diet, a fitting physical activity program, and a shift of your self-perception and your relationship with food. The Recovery Vienna gives you a vision of what your life could be and helps you with the world’s most exclusive weight-loss program in a discreet and luxurious setting.

Read the whole article here:

Anti-Aging through nutrition – Spermidine makes it possible!

Anti-Aging through nutrition – Spermidine makes it possible!

What is spermidine?

Since this substance was first discovered in male seminal fluid in 1878, it was given the name spermidine. However, nowadays it is known that this polyamine is present in all living organisms and body cells. This natural substance is not only produced by our cells, but we also absorb it to a large extent through our diet.

Spermidine in food

Spermidine is a secondary plant substance found in a variety of foods – for example, legumes, wheat, mushrooms, cauliflower, aged cheese, or mangoes. Spermidine is formed during the germination process, so sprouts such as germinated wheat, buckwheat sprouts, and soybean sprouts are particularly good sources of it.

Spermidine food sources

Health promoting effects

Spermidine is involved in the production of nucleic acids and proteins, making it important for cell growth and tissue regeneration. In addition, spermidine can trigger and accelerate autophagy. This process is used for cellular “cleaning” and serves to keep the cells healthy and resistant. In the process, damaged and old cellular parts are broken down and disposed of, and the building blocks are recycled. This promotes cellular metabolism and self-healing, and higher levels of spermidine can counteract the cellular aging process.

Since the body’s production of spermidine decreases with age, it is important to consume spermidine through diet, or supplements if there is an increased need. Studies have shown that spermidine intake correlates with improved cognitive performance and has neuroprotective effects. Spermidine activates cell-protective processes and even has a life-prolonging effect.

For this purpose, at least 6 mg of spermidine per day should be consumed in the diet. Already 80 to 100g of germinated buckwheat are enough to reach the daily recommendation.

Autophagy by Elena Tomeva



Sprouted buckwheat at home

Buckwheat sprouts are not only an excellent source of spermidine, but you can grow them quickly and easily at home. All you need is buckwheat, water, a sieve, and a pot or a bowl. To prepare this superfood, soak a cup of buckwheat with two cups of water in a pot overnight. On the next day, strain the buckwheat, pour away the water and leave the buckwheat in the strainer over an empty pot/bowl so the air can circulate underneath. On day 2, the buckwheat in the sieve should be briefly “washed off”, this serves to add moisture to the sprouts. The buckwheat begins to germinate already on day 2. A total of 3 to 5 days is enough for sufficient spermidine to form (while the phytate content is significantly reduced). 
You can find a video on how to grow buckwheat sprouts at home and how to make a healthy breakfast out of them on our Instagram page.

Home sprouted buckwheat to the test

We had our germinated buckwheat sprouts tested in a laboratory for spermidine content. The most concentrated food supplement currently available – Tecsperm was used as a control. The results show that already 100g of sprouted buckwheat (3 days) contains the daily recommendation of 6mg of spermidine.

Test your biological age now with our Healthy Aging Panel! In addition to your telomere length, you will learn more about your epigenetic markers of inflammation and aging and get tips on how you can even improve your biological age.