Authenticity of reviews

We are glad about you reviewing our products. In order for your review to be published, we kindly ask you to follow these guidelines when submitting your review:

  • In order for you to submit a review, you must use the email address provided for the purchase, or log into your account.
  • You can submit a rating if you have placed at least one order via the order form or in our webshop.
  • The rating may of course contain your opinion and, if applicable, criticism. However, any form of discrimination and insults will not be tolerated.
  • It is not allowed to leave advertisements for other products in reviews.
  • Reviews must be based on your experience with the product and be truthful. Any form of untrue claims and manipulation attempts will not be tolerated.
  • We do not allow duplicate reviews for the same product.
  • In case of violations of our rating policy, we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently block the submitted ratings.


We use the following mechanisms to check incoming reviews:

  • Manual review only: We manually review and check every received rating. We check the content of the rating for logical inconsistencies and other anomalies, among other things.
  • Manual sampling: According to the same standards, we also carry out random checks of individual comments that have not yet been pre-filtered elsewhere.
    As soon as an evaluation contains anomalies based on our review mechanisms, a detailed manual review of the respective individual cases follows.

All evaluations filtered out in this way are subjected to a general plausibility check by our team.

For the plausibility check, we consider the customer’s entire rating behavior and also take a look at the content and metadata (e.g., IP address, device ID, date) of the rating. In doing so, we check whether the purchase and evaluation of the product are in temporal and spatial relation to each other and whether there are contradictions in the content. In this way, we investigate the question of whether the customer has actually used the product.

A stricter filtering of negative or preferential treatment of positive reviews does not take place. As long as a review meets the above criteria, it is published equally regardless of whether it is formulated in a benevolent, critical, or even derogatory manner.